
CSR Report Supplemental Materials: Scope of Environmental Management

The NSK group includes all business sites in the object of Environmental Management.

Acquiring ISO14001 Certification

According to considerations of environmental impacts and importance of initiatives, following NSK Group sites obtain ISO14001 certification within three years of starting full-scale operations.

  • Products and parts manufacturing plants Products and parts manufacturing plants
  • Products manufacturing group companies in which NSK has at least a 50% equity stake
  • Group company manufacturing production-equipment
  • Distribution Group company
  • Group companies manufacturing NSK-brand products

Click her to refer list of ISO14001 acquiring sites

Disclosure of Environmental Information and Data

In order to increase coverage and reliability, the Global Environmental Department of NSK headquarters and each Group site confirm environmental information and data. Moreover, the Group decides which information and data is to be disclosed, taking into account relevant laws and regulations, guidelines, social concerns and materiality of the Group.

Scope of each environmental data

Scope of each environmental data