
CSR Report Supplemental Materials:
Workplace Health and Safety and Healthcare Measures

1. Occupational Health and the Safety Management System

The NSK Group believes it is important to provide a workplace environment where employees can give full play to their strengths. To this end, the Group actively promotes health and safety activities at work as a basic principle of management for manufacturing. In line with this belief, the NSK Central Occupational Health and Safety Council meets regularly together with labor and management to determine the Group-wide direction encourage the creation of a safety-first culture that is embraced by all employees. The NSK Group adopted risk assessment practices※1. The risks associated with new equipment are evaluated objectively and quantitatively, and reliable measures are taken in an effort to create safer workplaces.

※1The comprehension and identification of risks and their assessment in terms of rate of occurrence and degree of effect, followed by the taking of appropriate countermeasures

Table: Occupational Accidents
(Lost-Worktime Injury Rate*2

Occupational Accidents

*2Lost-worktime injury rate = Number of persons absent from work due to occupational accidents / Total actual working hours × 1,000,000
Defined as occupational accidents involving one or more days of absence from work.

2. Healthcare Initiatives

The NSK Group provides managers with annual training on mental health, focusing on the care of the workers for whom the manager is responsible. In addition there are regular health checkups that are helpful for self-care, encouraging employees to maintain their health. This training is intended to enable supervisors to consider the healthcare of employees by giving appropriate advice through daily communication.